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Sub 3 subwoofer

Dynaudio Sub 3 subwoofer

10" pitkäiskunen subwoofer, 300 W vahvistin, suljettu kotelo, High Pass suodin (flat, 60 Hz ja 80 Hz), portaaton Low Pass

Dynaudion uutta mallistoa, tarjoten korkealuokkaisen suorituskyvyn laatua arvostavalle kuuntelijalle.

Contour mallistoa mukaileva rakenne sekä tyylikäs ulkomuoto tekevät kompaktista Sub 3:sta erittäin hienostuneen. Jämäkästä rakenteesta vastaa tukeva resonoimaton kotelo ja kaksinkertainen kaartuva etulevy. Tarkasta ja dynaamisesta matalatoistosta vastaa puolestaan 10-tuumainen pitkäiskuinen MSP-bassoelementti.

Sub 3 on ihanteellinen kumppani mihin tahansa stereo- tai monikanavajärjestelmälle.

Tekniset tiedot:

Toimintaperiaate: Aktiivinen subwoofer
Kotelotyyppi: Suljettu
Elementti: 10" pitkäiskuinen
Vahvistinteho: 300W
Taajuusvaste (± 3 dB): 22 – 175Hz
Alipäästö: 50 - 150Hz
Tuloimpedanssi; 10kohm
Vaiheenkääntö: 0º / 180º
Mitat (L x K x S): 350 x 420 x 370mm
Paino: 10.5 kg

Sub 3

Contour-level components and construction make the compact Sub 3, with its double-thickness front baffle and brand-new 24cm driver, the ideal companion for any stereo or multichannel system.

The Sub 3 is a flexible subwoofer that’s been designed to work just as well with movies as it does with music, delivering weight, authority and punch no matter which source you use.

It does all of this in a compact and convenient size, taking the strain of the low end away from any stereo or multi-channel setup and improving the midrange performance in the process.

It has the same dimensions as the previous Dynaudio Sub 250, so it’s easy to accommodate, but our engineers have managed to squeeze in the more powerful 300W amp and full feature set of the larger Sub 600.

New additions

There are some new additions too. There’s now a double-thickness 37mm front baffle (curved, similar to Contour) to increase its rigidity, plus a brand-new 24cm driver, which joins the rest of the Sub 3’s Contour-quality components.

It’s been designed to this high standard for a reason – the Sub 3 can slot seamlessly into any system all the way up to this level, regardless of its size or configuration.

Where there’s no subwoofer output on the amplifier (common in a stereo system setup) the Sub 3’s dual RCA inputs and outputs let you pass a signal through the Sub 3 itself.

You can also fine-tune the crossover point (flat, 60Hz or 80Hz) using the Sub 3’s high-pass filter to ensure the best performance possible.

We’ve worked really hard to get all the smarts of the Sub 600 into a body the size of the Sub 250, while also adding a brand-new driver. Most importantly, we’ve managed to get the price in between the two, which means users are now getting all the smarts of the Sub 600 – and then some – for €500 less than before.

Tuoteryhmä: Subwooferit
Valmistaja: Dynaudio
subwoofer, valkoinen1150.00
subwoofer, musta 1150.00

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